Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Bailey never hesitates, he is confident in all he does.

The Dogs Will Share

Frankie is our newest angel. She has her own water bowl, but there is something "grown-up" about drinking from the boys water bowl.

Friday, May 25, 2007


She looks so much like her father, the high forehead, the big eyes, the distinctive nose. She is my step-daughter, legally, but she is my daughter in my heart and my soul.

Sandy Toes

There is no greater feeling than the feel of the sand baking on your skin in the hot summer sun.

The Ocean

There is no place I would rather be than next to the sea. I long for the sight, the sound and the smell and when there, I take it all in and try to engrave everything into my brain so that I will remember until the next time.

Desert Flower

The desert flower reminds us that there is beauty in everything that grows, patience will reward us.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Jack Frost

Jack Frost came to visit, luckily only for a day or two. It is not my favorite season, I long for the hot summer sun, but it is pretty to see from the inside out.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The End of Summer

I hate to see summer end. The air will soon turn chilly and the flowers will bloom for the last time.

Freckled Belly

Sweet Dreams

It is rough sometimes, to get that sleep we need so that come dusk we can venture off into the wild. But she would be mad if she knew every flying thing she missed during her snooze, that came within feet of her to feast on her left over lunch.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bailey's Dreams

I wonder what dreams fill his sleep, chasing rabbits through green fields? Wrestling with his brother? A full slice of cheese to fill his belly?

He is an angel, cute and warm and ready to snuggle. (and a pillow hog!)

The Rain

April 20th, 2006, the last significant amount of rain we have seen.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The second of the "Fab Two"

This is Riley, Bailey's brother, partner in crime. While smaller than Bailey the first year of their lives, he has continued to grow fatter each day. He is very jealous, if we try to love on Bailey, he will become very agitated, pushing Bailey aside to get his head in the middle of us.

Riley and Bailey (R&B for short) are the light of our lives. They are very attached to each other and we are very attached to them.

One of the "Fab Two"

Speaking of spoiled!! This is Bailey. Bailey is a full-bred Beagle, one of two brothers we adopted at 8 weeks of age. We call them our "Hutto" Beagles, because that is the small town here in Texas where they were born. When Bailey was younger (he's 17 months old in this picture), he was pretty chubby, so we called him "Belly" instead of Bailey. Of course he didn't know the difference, he just thought "those dumb humans can't pronounce my name correctly!". He has slimmed down quite a bit though, unlike his brother Riley who has continued to expand!!


My stepdaughter shared this picture of her baby with me. She's so beautiful, I thought I would post her picture here. A full-bred Pit Bull, Gucci is a Momma's girl. Raised by Jennifer since she was just a few weeks old, she is spoiled rotten. But unlike the horror stories you hear about her breed, she is kind, loving and an awesome dog. I'm not too sure who is luckier, Jennifer for having such a great pet or Gucci, for having such a great Mommy!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Mikey is our "Waco" cat. She was rescued by Rob off the streets in Waco Texas. Abandoned, scared and sure to die. She's a Momma's girl. Rarely letting anyone else hold her. If she feels like it, she might let you pet her, but don't bet on it.

When I take the dogs out to the yard on the leash, she will dash across the lawn, knowing that they can't reach her. She stops just short of their reach and turns to smile at their frustration.

She is Miss Personality. She is a tease.

The Spider

She works hard each evening. Her web spans a distance of about 5 feet, from the top of the roof to the bird fountain down below. The days are hot so you won't see her move till the sun begins to set.

I worry that my hummingbirds might come too close to her web. What would she do with a catch that large? The ultimate triumph!


We adopted Striker 13 years ago as a kitten. I can't remember a time when she wasn't a part of our lives. She has endured the invasion of other cats and dogs and outlasted them. She is patient.

Sadly we lost Striker in May 2007. She disappeared one day and we believe, due to her age, that she may have been caught by one of our neighborhood fox. God Bless her soul, may she rest in peace. I look forward to the day when we will be together again.

The Hummingbirds

We have three hummingbirds who visit on a regular basis. They compete for a chance to suck the nectar we provide. The dry, hot summer has left little to eat in the garden, so they go through our feeder every week. We are able to sit within feet now, they know we won't hurt them. The cats have now become accustomed to their visits and have abandoned their plans for a quick lunch.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


The corner of my yard is a jumbled mess of roses, cannas, lantana, gladiolus and weeds. I like the disorganization, it's in perfect harmony with the Springtime.


I cannot remember a time when I wasn't in love with you. You are the best thing about me. You are my soul.

The Majestic Male

There are some moments in life that are all inspiring, that take my breath away. I am in awe at the beauty of nature and thankful that I am able to be a part of it all.

School Days

If, as adults, we had the chance to go back, would we choose to sit up straight? Pay attention? Study harder?

What we have become today was shaped behind desks, on football fields, in closely knit circles behind bleachers. We shared the secrets of our souls, secrets that we don't remember now, but which seemed so important then.

The worries that we harbored then, seem so minor to us now. The shared secrets, the dropped pass, the occassional missed period, the dateless Friday nights. How I would love to trade my worries of today for those I had at seventeen.

I would sit up straighter. I would study harder. I would pay closer attention.

I would embrace those moments.